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CompTIA Launches Critical Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Analysis Organization in the U.K.

Oct 6, 2021

London, U.K. – CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the global information technology (IT) industry, today expanded the CompTIA ISAO (Information Sharing and Analysis Organization) to the United Kingdom to serve as the focal point for dealing with cyber-threats to technology vendors, MSPs, solution providers, integrators, distributors, and business technology consultants.

“We are in a time of unprecedented and malicious hacking activity, much of which is targeted specifically at technology product, service and solution companies,” said MJ Shoer, senior vice president, executive director of the CompTIA ISAO. “CompTIA aims to improve the cybersecurity landscape in the U.K. by bringing together the know-how and power of the industry to deliver timely, relevant, actionable threat intelligence that companies can use to protect themselves and more importantly, to keep their customers safe and secure.”

The CompTIA ISAO, which launched in the United States in 2020, currently has over 1,200 member companies and growing. Axcient, ConnectWise, Dark Cubed, Dell Technologies, and Sophos are Industry Partners of the CompTIA ISAO. The CompTIA ISAO is a member led initiative governed by three co-equal councils, the Executive Advisory Council, the MSP Champions Council and the SME (Subject Matter Expert) Champions Council representing all categories of CompTIA ISAO membership.

“In the current climate of cybercrime, one of the best ways to sharpen the industry’s defences against today’s cyberattacks, including ransomware, is through industry experts sharing threat intelligence. This move to launch the CompTIA ISAO in the UK will advance industry collaboration and innovation, and Sophos is proud to be a part of this effort,” said James Wilson, product director, Sophos. “Having access to SophosLabs Intelix within the ISAO gives members easy and quick access to actionable, relevant threat intelligence from Sophos. Research from SophosLabs continually highlights how adversaries are constantly adapting their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) to breach targets and carry out attacks and emphasises how essential it is for us to work together.”

Additionally, innovative partnerships have been forged with the Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) and  TruSTAR to build out the threat intelligence feed and custom reporting that will serve as the backbone of the CompTIA ISAO. This ensures that members will receive critical, targeted, real-time information in a way that’s easy to understand and act upon.

“Raising the cybersecurity resilience of the global tech industry is important for everyone,” Shoer explained. “This is how, together, we will fight back against this existential threat and do the right thing for our industry and the global economy.”

The CompTIA ISAO is dedicated to advancing the cybersecurity resiliency of the global technology industry. It is a resource where organizations in the business of technology can share real-time threat intelligence, analysis of potential impacts, coordinated countermeasure response efforts, cybersecurity best-practice adoption, and workforce education.

In addition to the latest cybersecurity intelligence data, all CompTIA ISAO members will receive full access to CompTIA corporate member benefits, including all the resources, communities and tools designed to help a technology business thrive.

For complete details on the CompTIA ISAO and the benefits of membership visit

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Fast Facts

  • $2 trillion – Estimated direct economic impact of the U.S. tech industry, representing 8.8% of the national economy.

  • 582,000 – Number of tech business establishments in the U.S.

  • 9.1 million – U.S. net tech employment at the end of 2022.

  • 286,400 – Estimated number of new technology jobs added in the U.S. in 2022.

  • 4.1 million – Number of postings by U.S. employers for tech job openings during 2022.