Take an Exam Online

Online testing, powered by Pearson OnVUE, is a remote exam proctoring service that provides a secure and easy way to complete your CompTIA certification exam* from any place in which a private area is available to you. To take an exam online:

STEP 1: Review testing policies and procedures.

Before taking a CompTIA exam, all certification candidates will be prompted to agree with the CompTIA Candidate Agreement. Failure to accept the agreement results in the forfeiture of your exam fee. There are also policies and procedures specific to online testing, including those related to system requirements, your exam workspace, and testing for candidates under 17 years of age. Please be sure to review them here:

STEP 2: Run a system test using the same computer and network that you will use to take your exam.

The system test will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You will be prompted to take photos of yourself and your exam workspace. To prepare your exam workspace move all books and writing objects out of arm’s reach, unplug additional monitors and computers, and clear your walls of any writing (e.g., on whiteboards). You will also need an ID and phone (which must be set out of arm’s reach after check-in.)

In addition to meeting system test requirements for minimum screen resolution, be sure to review and confirm your display settings for scaling, prior to checking in and launching your exam. Scale settings should be set to 100% (for users running Windows) or default (for Mac users).

If your screen settings meet the minimum resolution settings but scale settings are set above 100% it is likely that the exam content will not render properly on-screen, causing a less than desirable experience during delivery of your CompTIA exam.

To avoid delays and added stress during your testing appointment, complete the system test prior to the start of your exam appointment.

STEP 3: If you don’t already have one, create a CompTIA account.

Be sure you use an active, valid email address when you create an account. Important information about your exam results and certification status will be sent to the address you use to create your testing account.

STEP 4: Sign into your CompTIA account to schedule your online exam.

When you’re ready to take your exam, visit CompTIA’s website to prepare your testing environment and schedule your exam. Verify that you can satisfy all computer, internet connection, and workspace requirements before scheduling your exam.

STEP 5: Return to the CompTIA website to sign in and take your exam.

Return to the CompTIA website page and sign-in. Select My Exams to launch your scheduled online exam.

*Online test proctors communicate only in English and OnVUE testing software is English-based. Additionally, CompTIA’s full suite of translated exams are available in those countries that participate in online testing. Online testing is not available in China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, South Korea, Slovenia, Sudan, and Syria. Site licenses are also excluded.

Not sure if online testing is right for you? Learn more about your testing options.

Keys to a Successful Online Test

Run the system test. All candidates must verify minimum system requirements and run the system test before scheduling an OnVUE exam.

  • Connect using a strong, reliable internet connection. Taking your exam online with OnVUE requires a significant amount of internet bandwidth based on system requirements for both video and audio. If you’re in a household with more family members working and learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, please schedule your exam when there will be minimal conflicts for internet usage. We encourage you to ask others to avoid use of the internet while you take your exam, and to use a wired connection if possible.

  • Do NOT switch computers. Take your exams on the same network and computer used for the system test.

  • Close all other applications. The secure browser used for your exam requires that you close all applications except OnVUE. Failing to do so will interrupt your exam.

  • Check your time zone preferences! When scheduling your online exam the time you choose will correspond to the time zone set within your Pearson VUE candidate account preferences. Confirm the time zone set in your profile is the one you intend.