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CompTIA To Host Webinar Series Examining Critical Role of Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies within Local Government

Apr 23, 2020

Washington, DC – CompTIA, the leading trade association for the global information technology (IT) industry, and the Public Technology Institute (PTI) announced the launch of the PTI Webinar Series, a collection of interactive online sessions designed to connect technology leaders from local governments with their peers from communities across the country and with leaders from the technology sector.

The six-part series – “Cybersecurity and Emerging Technology in Local Government: Exploring Critical Issues Facing Communities During and After the COVID-19 Crisis” -- is presented by PTI in association with the National League of Cities (NLC), National Governors Association (NGA) and National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO).

The first webinar – “Preparing for a New Normal: Emerging Tech During Crisis” – is scheduled for 2 PM (EST) on May 14. This session will examine how local governments are leveraging emerging technologies as they adjust operations because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists include: Laurel Caldwell, Director of Technology, Latah County, Idaho; Adam Frumkin, CIO, Franklin County Data Center, Franklin County, Ohio, and Vice-Chair, PTI City/County CIO Leadership Council; Stacy Richardson, Program Director, Urban Innovation, Center for City Solutions, National League of Cities; Tom Lamar, Chair, County Commission, Latah County, Idaho; and Michael Stinziano, County Auditor, Franklin County, Ohio.

“Faced with the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 crisis on critical business operations, local government officials have hastened their interests in and the adoption of enhanced cybersecurity solutions and other vital emerging technologies as essential tools in what many are now accepting will be a ‘new normal’ for all of us,” said Dr. Alan Shark, Executive Director of PTI, and moderator of the 60-minute webinars.

Other sessions in the PTI Webinar Series include:

  • Stretching the Limits: Broadband Capacity and Availability in a Crisis (June 4)
  • Safe and Secure and Equitable: The Role of Infrastructure in Supporting Telework (June 17)
  • Emerging Tech and New Approaches to Communicating with the Public (July 9)
  • Opportunities for Collaboration: Working Together to Solve Common Challenges (July 23)
  • Hot Tech: Trends and Opportunities for Local Government (August 6)

All sessions are scheduled for 2 pm (EST).

For additional details and a complete list of scheduled and invited speakers, please visit the event website. You can register for the first session here.

About PTI
Established in 1971 by the several major national associations representing state and local governments, PTI has been viewed as the focal point for thought leaders who have a passion for the furtherance and wise deployment of technology. PTI's initial funding was through a grant from the National Science Foundation. Today, PTI actively supports local government officials through research, education, professional development, executive-level consulting services, and national recognition programs.

About CompTIA
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a leading voice and advocate for the $5.2 trillion global information technology ecosystem; and the estimated 75 million industry and tech professionals who design, implement, manage, and safeguard the technology that powers the world’s economy. Through education, training, certifications, advocacy, philanthropy, and market research, CompTIA is the hub for advancing the tech industry and its workforce. Visit to learn more

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