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Cybersecurity, Data Loss Prevention Top Priorities for Local Government Tech Leaders, CompTIA PTI Study Finds

Jun 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 8, 2022 – Protecting their local governments and the residents and businesses they serve remains the top priority for technology leaders, according to the “2022 State of City and County IT National Survey,” a report on city and county technology and workforce trends published by CompTIA Public Technology Institute (PTI).

This is the ninth consecutive year that cybersecurity tops the list of priorities for local tech leaders. In addition to 97% of respondents listing cybersecurity as a top priority, the report also noted that increased risks posed by the ongoing war in Ukraine have elevated concerns for tech leaders over the last several months.

“Protecting local governments from cyberattacks is a top concern and a full-time job,” said Alan Shark, vice president, public sector, and executive director of PTI. “Cybersecurity has never been more critical to local government tech leaders. The good news is that there are new federal funds available and more state collaboration efforts now, and these are helping local governments improve their cybersecurity resiliency.”

Key Findings:

Modernizing outdated systems was second on this year’s list of top priorities, up from fourth in 2021.

Expectations for budget increases soared in this year’s survey with 51% anticipating an increase of 1% to 4% and another 33% anticipating an increase of 5% or more.

Regarding the impact of COVID, 97% expanded the use of collaboration platforms / remote meetings in 2021.

Several new technologies are finding their way into the operations of cities and counties including UAVs, automation, IoT, 5G, and A.

Throughout the report, 2022 findings are compared to those from last year’s survey to provide additional understanding of the shifting world of local government IT. The 2022 survey was conducted between December 2021 and February 2022.

PTI collaborated with Deltek, a provider of public sector intelligence and research, on the survey.

“As we consider how far IT organizations have progressed in terms of managing increasingly expanding and complex portfolios, it’s time to learn from tech executives who are raising the profile of IT with elected leaders and management and moving from the concept of IT as service provider to IT as a strategic business partner,” said Shark. “This re-positioning of IT -- a new concept for some organizations, while already in place for others -- is a priority of CompTIA PTI as we work with our members to ensure that the expertise and the voice of IT is heard.”

To view and download the “2022 State of City and County IT National Survey,” go here.

About CompTIA PTI
Established in 1971 by several major national associations representing state and local governments and now powered by CompTIA, the Public Technology Institute (PTI) has been viewed as the focal point for thought leaders who have a passion for the furtherance and wise deployment of technology. PTI actively supports local government officials through research, education, professional development, executive-level consulting services, and national recognition programs.

About CompTIA
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a leading voice and advocate for the $5 trillion global information technology ecosystem; and the estimated 75 million industry and tech professionals who design, implement, manage, and safeguard the technology that powers the world’s economy. Through education, training, certifications, advocacy, philanthropy, and market research, CompTIA is the hub for advancing the tech industry and its workforce. Visit


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